Tuesday 18 June 2013


As the night grew deep, alienating all that was humane-

Darkness shrouded me close, vision impaired-frivolity’s bane..
The sun that set brought many chapters to an end,

What was once sincerity, became a mere attempt to pretend..

AMBITIONS,  once high-dwindled down to a new low,

Misguided, I chorused- “Just going with the flow..”

The time once used for quiet introspection was lost,

‘NETWORKING’ with society, was now valued the most..

Acclimatized, I was about to get with this life of ‘limited’ thought,

When a new light dawned on me, a sense of hope it brought..

To mend my ways it provoked me, to look much deeper inside,
Peace and happiness beckoned, it promised a joyous ride..

But TRUE HAPPINESS- a commodity nonpareil, comes at a hefty cost,

When the light of morning dawns, the allies of the night are lost-

CLARITY came rushing back-its place so long deprived,

Armed with trusted conscience, the voice of reason arrived..

The very purpose of existence, that stood to lose its ground,

Got renewed meaning and verve from the source of happiness just found,

Vexed voices from the past remained, but I occluded my mind,

For when it’s worth, it’s worth it- TRUE HAPPINESS IS SO HARD TO FIND..