Tuesday 18 June 2013


As the night grew deep, alienating all that was humane-

Darkness shrouded me close, vision impaired-frivolity’s bane..
The sun that set brought many chapters to an end,

What was once sincerity, became a mere attempt to pretend..

AMBITIONS,  once high-dwindled down to a new low,

Misguided, I chorused- “Just going with the flow..”

The time once used for quiet introspection was lost,

‘NETWORKING’ with society, was now valued the most..

Acclimatized, I was about to get with this life of ‘limited’ thought,

When a new light dawned on me, a sense of hope it brought..

To mend my ways it provoked me, to look much deeper inside,
Peace and happiness beckoned, it promised a joyous ride..

But TRUE HAPPINESS- a commodity nonpareil, comes at a hefty cost,

When the light of morning dawns, the allies of the night are lost-

CLARITY came rushing back-its place so long deprived,

Armed with trusted conscience, the voice of reason arrived..

The very purpose of existence, that stood to lose its ground,

Got renewed meaning and verve from the source of happiness just found,

Vexed voices from the past remained, but I occluded my mind,

For when it’s worth, it’s worth it- TRUE HAPPINESS IS SO HARD TO FIND..

Monday 2 July 2012


The devil inside me tries to reach out,
The darkness dwells, without a doubt-
It appeals to my senses to accept its presence,
Slowly eroding the walls of moral conscience..

The conflicts, the questions, that were once so grave,
Now seemed trivial, scruples unable to create a thought-provoking wave,
Decisions, once spontaneous, underlining child-like innocence,
were now shrouded with WISDOM-a bit of experience and a lot of pretence..

Complexities carved their way into the world that was simple,
Principles that once formed the base were now starting to crumble-
Relationships that were built with the pillars of trust,
Lost out to the deceit, lay aside- collecting dust..

“Forgive and Forget”-a cliché often said,
was difficult to realize and even harder to implement.
Dreams unfulfilled, years of toil in vain,
Addiction came calling, an excuse to bury the pain..

Priorities changed, so did the people I knew,
Loads of people around, but true relationships were few-
CHANGE-inevitable, took what I had cherished most,
The darkness remained, and the INNOCENCE was LOST..

Tuesday 3 January 2012


As dusk began to set in, on a cold winter afternoon,
It brought with itself-MEMORIES, long lost yet stored in time's depth..
Of the gentle caress on my stubbled face,
Of promises that were meant to be kept..
The chill, the shiver, that were once so dear,
Now stabbed me deep-their intentions CLEAR...
The birds made their way back to their homes, so bright the colours they wore,
And here I was,sitting alone-CREATURE COMFORTS not enough for me anymore..

Memories once cherished had now returned to make me weak,
I had to be strong but the chances were bleak..
"MOVE ON",was the chorus from many a friend and foe,
But my heart never complied and thoughts plundered my mind,oscillating to and fro...
Years of compromise,of endless efforts had bore no fruit,
But yes,the pillar of HONESTY stood tall,shining in the light of truth..

When I was lonely a few stood by,
Very dear they were, people on whom I could rely..
COMMITMENT-a word so heavy had lost its price,
The relationship that was meant to last, did have a sudden demise...

The sun had set, the hopes that gone,
But the new DAWN was not far away-YES I WAS MOVING ON......